Bibliotheca Digitalis | Participants & Constitution of training groups

Welcome to the Bibliotheca digitalis Summer school! For the 21 trainees from more than ten different countries and institutions, the course programme switches between presentations in the morning and practical workshops in the afternoons. Five groups have been constituted trying to find a good balance between different profiles in each group. Continuer la lecture

Bibliotheca Digitalis | 5th and last day, July 8th – Course programme: Digital representation and data accuracy for Humanities

Bibliotheca Digitalis. Reconstitution of Early Modern Cultural Networks. From Primary Source to Data.

DARIAH / Biblissima Summer School

5th and last day, July 8th – Digital representation and data accuracy for Humanities

Morning, Auditorium

9:00 – 09:30 Humanities at Scale and Dariah-EU – Nicolas Larrousse
9:30 – 10:50 Visualisation in Digital Humanities for Understanding, Cleaning, and Explaining – Jean-Daniel Fekete
10:50 – 11:10 Coffee break
11:10 – 12:30 Digital Reading, Human Reading – Marie-Luce Demonet
12:30 Conclusion & thanks – Sophie Renaudin, Toshinori Uetani

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Bibliotheca Digitalis | 4th day, July 7th – Course programme: Case study : « Bibliotheques françoises »

Bibliotheca Digitalis. Reconstitution of Early Modern Cultural Networks. From Primary Source to Data.

DARIAH / Biblissima Summer School

4th day, July 7th – Case study: « Bibliotheques françoises »

Morning, Auditorium

9:00 – 09:05 Introduction
9:05 – 10:25 La Croix du Maine and his world – Mark Greengrass and Toshinori Uetani
10:25 – 10:35 Coffee break
10:35 – 12:00 Workflow of « Bibliotheques françoises »: XML tools and database – Pierre-Yves Buard and Guillaume Porte

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Bibliotheca Digitalis | 3rd day, July 6th – Course programme: Establishing Bibliographic Data

Bibliotheca Digitalis. Reconstitution of Early Modern Cultural Networks. From Primary Source to Data.

DARIAH / Biblissima Summer School

3rd day, July 6th – Establishing Bibliographic Data

Morning, Auditorium

9:00 – 09:05 Introduction
9:05 – 10:25 Overview of Primary sources of Bibliographic Data – Rémi Jimenes
10:25 – 10:35 Coffee break
10:35 – 12:00 Bibliographic data – Definition, Structure and Problems (XVIth-XVIIth Centuries) – Patrick Latour

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Bibliotheca Digitalis | 2nd day, July 5th – Course programme: Establishing Prosopographical data

Bibliotheca Digitalis. Reconstitution of Early Modern Cultural Networks. From Primary Source to Data.

DARIAH / Biblissima Summer School

2nd day, July 5th – Establishing Prosopographical data

Morning, Auditorium

9:00 – 09:05 Introduction
9:05 – 10:25 Prosopographical data and Cultural networks in the Early Modern Europe – Aurélien Ruellet
10:25 – 10:35 Coffee break
10:35 – 12:00 What’s in a Name: Text and Image for indexing Prosopographical data – Eduard Frunzeanu and Régis Robineau
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch at “La Villa”

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Bibliotheca Digitalis | 1st day, July 4th – Course programme: Digital sources: theoretical fundamentals

Bibliotheca Digitalis. Reconstitution of Early Modern Cultural Networks. From Primary Source to Data.

DARIAH / Biblissima Summer School

This first day will introduce the problems and goals of the summer school, with an plenary lecture on the theoretical basis of digital documents and a historical overview of the information and communication problems in Early Modern France. There will also be an opportunity for participants to present their own research projects.

1st day, July 4th – Digital sources: theoretical fundamentals

Morning, Auditorium

9:30 – 10:00 Welcome to the Médiathèque Louis-Aragon of Le Mans – Sophie Rouyer
Introduction to the Summer school – Toshinori Uetani
10:00 – 10:55 From pixels to content – Jean-Yves Ramel
10:55 – 11:05 Coffee break
11:05 – 12:00 Beyond the Page: enriching the digital library – Lou Burnard
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch at “La Villa” – Place de la République, 72 000 Le Mans

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Conférences publiques | École d’été Bibliotheca Digitalis, 4-8 Juillet, Médiathèque Louis-Aragon du Mans

Dans le cadre de l’École d’été « Bibliotheca Digitalis. Reconstitution de réseaux culturels au début des Temps modernes. Des sources primaires aux données. » qui se tiendra à la Médiathèque Louis-Aragon du Mans du 4 au 8 juillet 2017, sont organisées trois conférences publiques (en français) de 17h à 18h30, Auditorium.

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Summer school Bibliotheca Digitalis. Reconstitution of Early Modern Cultural Networks. From Primary Source to Data | 4-8 Juillet, Le Mans, France

[Extended submission deadline : May, 12th]

Applications for the Summer School « Bibliotheca Digitalis. Reconstitution of Early Modern Cultural Networks. From Primary Source to Data » are open until April, 30th.

Place: Médiathèque Louis-Aragon, Le Mans (France)
Dates: July 4-8, 2017

With the support of  Humanities at Scale (DARIAH-EU) and the City of Le Mans, and in partnership with Biblissima and the Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance of Tours.

Training courses & Application (ENG)

Les inscriptions à l’École d’été « Bibliotheca Digitalis. Reconstitution de réseaux culturels au début des Temps modernes. Des sources primaires aux données » sont ouvertes jusqu’au 30 avril 2017. Les inscriptions sont prolongées jusqu’au 12 mai 2017.

Lieu : Médiathèque Louis-Aragon, Le Mans (France)
Dates : 4-8 juillet 2017

Cette école d’été internationale est soutenue par le projet européen Humanities at Scale (DARIAH-EU) et la Ville du Mans, en partenariat avec Biblissima et le Centre d’Études supérieures de la Renaissance de Tours.

Programme & inscription (FR)

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