Lost in Renaissance | Conferences Le Studium, 20-21 septembre 2018, Tours

The debate about the concept of Renaissance is certainly old, but has met for some years now a certain revival with questions relating to its temporality, particularly in France, following questions from Patrick Boucheron on the duration of a “short long medieval period” beginning in the 12th-13th centuries and ending in the 16th century. One can also point to Jacques Le Goff’s essay entitled Faut-il vraiment découper l’histoire en tranches? (Paris, Seuil, 2014) who defended the thesis that the Renaissance would not represent a particular period, but that it would be the last rebirth of a long medieval period that would end in the mid-18th century. Regardless of whether or not one adheres to this demonstration, the great medievalist nevertheless has the merit of questioning the relevance of the concept of periodization of history and, more specifically, that of the Renaissance chrononym.

With the Lost in Renaissance symposium, we would like to explore this period by reversing the paradigm that defines it. Indeed, if the scientific community agrees to characterize the Renaissance as the time of rediscovery of Antiquity, we would like to explore it through the prism of disappearance. The aim is not to draw up a list of the different points of rupture with previous times, but rather to concentrate on the losses encountered by Europe’s intellectual, literary, artistic and material heritage during the 15th-17th centuries as a result of the great religious, political, cultural and technical upheavals that affected this territory. The angle of approach chosen for this colloquium is that of the book, considered in its materiality or for its content as a witness, victim or vector of the offenses made against the heritage during the Renaissance.


  • Dr Renaud Adam, LE STUDIUM / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow 
    FROM University of Liège (Transitions – Research Unit on Middle Ages and Early Modern Period) – BE
    IN RESIDENCE AT Centre for Advanced Studies in the Renaissance (CESR) / CNRS, University of Tours – FR
  • Pr Chiara LastraioliCentre for Advanced Studies in the Renaissance
    (CESR) / CNRS, University of Tours – FR
    MSH Val de Loire Director / Head of the BVH project, CESR


Conference program :

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Sandrine Breuil (20 septembre 2018). Lost in Renaissance | Conferences Le Studium, 20-21 septembre 2018, Tours. Bibliothèques Humanistes. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/m5yl

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