À l’occasion de la Conférence internationale 2018 du Consortium TEI qui se tiendra du 9 au 13 septembre 2018, à Tokyo (Japon), Toshinori Uetani – ingénieur de recherche CNRS au CESR, et Guillaume Porte, représenteront l’équipe des BVH lors de la session « Digital Archives ». Ils y exposeront la réflexion et les travaux de longue haleine mis en œuvre dans le cadre du projet « Bibliothèques françoises » (Equipex Biblissima / APR ECRISA, MSH Val de Loire / Consortium CAHIER) mené par l’équipe du programme de recherche BVH au travers d’une communication intitulée : “Bibliotheques françoises” as a virtual workshop for the Literary History of Early Modern France.
The “Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes” (BVH: http://www.bvh.univ-tours.fr/) is a project run since 2002 by a research team founded by Marie-Luce Demonet in the Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance (CESR: the University of Tours and the CNRS, France) and now directed by Chiara Lastraioli. The BVH has been developing the Bibliotheques françoises project since 2015: a digital edition in XML-TEI and a data base of the first dictionaries of French authors, Bibliotheques of La Croix du Maine (Paris, 1584) and of Du Verdier (Lyon, 1585). At the last TEI meeting (Vienna, September 2016), text and bio-bibliographical database of the authors whose first name begins with letters A, B and C, of La Croix du Maine, were available in a beta version (http://bibfr.bvh.univ-tours.fr/). In this first phase, Biographical data is linked to online references like VIAF or data.bnf.fr, and bibliographical data to USTC (Universal Short Title Catalog, University of St Andrews), so that web users can read online its digitized copy of some items.
More than a hundred surviving copies of the Bibliotheques contain in them handwritten notes from their previous owners. One such edition recalls the memories of authors of the owner’s acquaintance. Others note additional bibliographical information in the margin. Physical volumes of the Bibliotheques become thus a personal storage device of complementary data. Studied together, these additional notes constitute an important source of information on the Republic of Letters of Early Modern France. In a sense, the XVIIIth century collective edition of two Bibliotheques by Rigoley de Juvigny (Paris, 1772-1773) is an incarnation of these collaborative efforts for French literary history.
While the indexation of bio-bibliographical data of both Bibliotheques continues (books of author’s intials A to H are now available), the second phase of this project aims to develop its encoding model for integration of layers of these manuscript annotations with their proper metadata, so as to show the collective efforts for information on French Renaissance authors, their networks and communities. For each entry of the Bibliotheques, a new system has to manage notes from dozens or hundreds of different copies and to enable modern researchers to comment them to create an open collaborative space of Literary History.
Programme complet, abstracts, inscriptions et info pratiques sur le site TEI Conference 2018
> En savoir plus sur le projet Bibliothèques françoises
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Sandrine Breuil (31 août 2018). TEI Conference 2018 : Bibliotheques françoises as a virtual workshop for the Literary History of Early Modern France. Bibliothèques Humanistes. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/m5yj