Bibliotheca Digitalis | 5th and last day, July 8th – Course programme: Digital representation and data accuracy for Humanities

Bibliotheca Digitalis. Reconstitution of Early Modern Cultural Networks. From Primary Source to Data.

DARIAH / Biblissima Summer School

5th and last day, July 8th – Digital representation and data accuracy for Humanities

Morning, Auditorium

9:00 – 09:30 Humanities at Scale and Dariah-EU – Nicolas Larrousse
9:30 – 10:50 Visualisation in Digital Humanities for Understanding, Cleaning, and Explaining – Jean-Daniel Fekete
10:50 – 11:10 Coffee break
11:10 – 12:30 Digital Reading, Human Reading – Marie-Luce Demonet
12:30 Conclusion & thanks – Sophie Renaudin, Toshinori Uetani

Bibliotheca Digitalis Summer school: Presentation | 1rst day | 2nd day | 3rd day | 4th day | 5th day




9:00 – 9:30 Humanities at Scale and Dariah-EU
Nicolas Larrousse – Research officer, TGIR Huma-Num

« Bibliotheca Digitalis » is a summer school organized in the framework of H2020 project Humanities At Scale ( which can be viewed  as an add on to the European Infrastructure DARIAH (
The main goal is to offer a training programme in regions without a longstanding tradition in digital humanities, like it was done in Prague in November (
Furthermore, the role of an European infrastructure like DARIAH is to support  the development of Digital Humanities within stake holders by sharing resources (e.g. tools & services) and by building a network of expertise.
This kind of infrastructure is basically to be invented and this talk will focus on different projects and ideas that DARIAH is setting up. It will also open the perspective of further questions about the future of infrastructures.

Nicolas Larrousse is head of the long term archiving department at Huma-Num, a French infrastructure which aims to provide services to researchers in social sciences and humanities. He is particularly focused on interoperability and is involved in European infrastructures and projects. Huma-Num is promoting collaboration and providing services to manage, enrich and expose research data through a wide network of partners and consortia. Huma-Num is the National Coordinating institution of DARIAH European infrastructure for France and is involved in H2020 European projects.

Contact webpage:

Bibliotheca Digitalis Summer School: Humanities at Scale and Dariah-EU – Nicolas Larrousse | SlideShare BVH

9:30 – 10:50 Visualisation in Digital Humanities for Understanding, Cleaning, and Explaining
Jean-Daniel Fekete – Research Scientist, INRIA

The use of visualisation in increasing in the Digital Humanities, but its usage is too often limited to presenting nice pictures for communication. In my talk, I will show examples of visualisations used to make sense of data, explore them, and find unexpected information, as well improving data quality. I will then describe some principles for building successful visualisations that could help improve new Digital
Humanities projects, in particular to help navigation and provide overviews of collections, and provide some tips in managing data at scale. Finally, I will emphasize some shortcomings of existing technologies used to manage data (e.g. the Semantic Web) that are not well equipped to deal with uncertainty when data in the Digital Humanities are very uncertain and should be treated as such, with implications on the visualisations to avoid misleading users.

Jean-Daniel Fekete ( is Senior Research Scientist (DR1) at INRIA, Scientific Leader of the INRIA Project Team AVIZ that he founded in 2007. He received his PhD in Computer Science in 1996 from Université Paris-Sud. He was invited to join the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the University of Maryland in the USA in 2001-2002. He was recruited by INRIA in 2002 as a confirmed researcher and became Senior
Research Scientist in 2006. In 2015, he was on Sabbatical at the Visualization and Computer Graphics group at NYU-Poly, and at the Visual Computing Group at Harvard.
His main Research areas are Visual Analytics, Information Visualization and Human Computer Interaction. He published more than 150 articles in multiple conferences and journals, including the most prestigious in visualization and Human-Computer Interaction.


11:10 – 12:30 Digital Reading, Human Reading
Marie-Luce Demonet – Professor Emeritus of Literature, University of Tours, CESR-BVH
Once upon a time, the preservation, the study, and the digitization of books were primarily justified by utilitarian needs: to obtain a qualification, or to hold down a job — or to share ideas, or to satisfy a hedonistic need derived from the pleasure of reading. Nowadays the building of corpora and the digitization of collections could replace books by « data », the consultation of which threatens a close engagement with the linearity of text. I will comment on examples chosen from the library of Le Mans, and from my own collection, to question this apparent under valuing of reading in favour of results derived by means of tools only partly under human control.
La conservation, l’étude et la numérisation des livres ont été avant tout justifiées par un besoin social ou individuel de lecture : utilitaire, pour obtenir un diplôme et avoir un métier, pour diffuser des idées, besoin hédoniste issu du plaisir de la lecture. Actuellement la constitution des corpus et la numérisation de collections pourraient remplacer les livres par les « données », dont la consultation mettrait en danger un rapport au texte qui était avant tout « linéaire ». Des exemples pris dans les fonds de la bibliothèque du Mans ou personnels permettent d’alimenter le débat autour de ce qui apparaît comme une déqualification de la lecture, au profit de résultats obtenus grâce à un outillage plus ou moins bien maîtrisé par l’humain.
Professor of French literature at the Universities of Aix-en-Provence (1983-1991), Clermont-Ferrand (1991-1997), Poitiers (1997-2001) and Tours (2001-2016), Marie-Luce Demonet is now professor emeritus. Dean of the Center for Renaissance Studies in Tours (2003-2007), director of the Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities of the Loire Valley (Orléans-Tours, 2012-2014), she studies the connections between literature, languages and semiotic theories (Les Voix du signe, 1992, A plaisir, 2002). She published articles and essays on Rabelais, Montaigne, and various authors. Head of the « Virtual Humanistic Libraries » program (2002-2016), and of the « Montaigne at work project », she develops scholarly digital editions (XML/TEI) while preparing books about the status of fiction and verisimilitude in Renaissance genres.




Bibliotheca Digitalis Summer school: Presentation | 1rst day | 2nd day | 3rd day | 4th day | 5th day




Projet partenarial BHLi (2016) – Equipex Biblissima (ANR-11-EQPX-0007)




Humanities at Scale has received funding from the European’s Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No 675570.




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Sandrine Breuil (2 juillet 2017). Bibliotheca Digitalis | 5th and last day, July 8th – Course programme: Digital representation and data accuracy for Humanities. Bibliothèques Humanistes. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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