Bibliotheca Digitalis | 3rd day, July 6th – Course programme: Establishing Bibliographic Data

Bibliotheca Digitalis. Reconstitution of Early Modern Cultural Networks. From Primary Source to Data.

DARIAH / Biblissima Summer School

3rd day, July 6th – Establishing Bibliographic Data

Morning, Auditorium

9:00 – 09:05 Introduction
9:05 – 10:25 Overview of Primary sources of Bibliographic Data – Rémi Jimenes
10:25 – 10:35 Coffee break
10:35 – 12:00 Bibliographic data – Definition, Structure and Problems (XVIth-XVIIth Centuries) – Patrick Latour

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch at “La Villa”


Afternoon, “Patrimoine” room

13:30 – 14:50 Managing bibliographic data – Part 1/2
– Presentation of the Primary sources
– Establishing catalogue metadata, treatment of provenances and ownership, identification of exemplars, mapping to online bibliographic reference databases (ISTC, CERL, etc.)
14:50 – 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 – 16:30 Managing bibliographic data – Part 2/2
– Outcome discussion and summary
16:30 – 17:00 Break
17:00 – 18:30 Public Lecture [French]
La bibliothèque sous l’œil de l’archéologue
The Library viewed by an archaeologist’s eye
Pierre Aquilon
(Honorary Assistant-Professor, University of Tours, CESR)
20:00 Dinner “Aux Cocottes Sarthoises” – 10 Place Saint-Pierre, 72 000 Le Mans

Bibliotheca Digitalis Summer school: Presentation | 1rst day | 2nd day | 3rd day | 4th day | 5th day


9:05 – 10:25 Overview of Primary sources of Bibliographic Data
Rémi Jimenes – Lecturer, University of Tours, CESR-BVH

Bibliographic data can be produced by different kind of people, responding to different purposes. An author can provide information about the origin of a quotation; a bookseller can offer the reader a catalogue of his supply; a printer handles the exact accounts of his stock; a librarian needs a file showing the precise location of a specific copy… From archives to printed books, we will try to give an overview of the different sources which can provide bibliographic data.

Rémi Jimenes is a lecturer at the University of Tours, France. He teaches palaeography and history of the book at the Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance. His main research interest is the history of typography in the XVIth century.

Bibliotheca Digitalis Summer School: Overview of Primary sources of Bibliographic Data – Rémi Jimenes | SlideShare BVH

10:35 – 12:00 Bibliographic data – Definition, Structure and Problems (XVIth-XVIIth Centuries)
Patrick Latour – Library curator, Bibliothèque Mazarine

Bibliotheca Digitalis Summer School: Bibliographic data – Definition, Structure and Problems (XVIth-XVIIth Centuries) – Patrick Latour | SlideShare BVH

Bibliotheca Digitalis Summer School: Overview of Primary sources of Bibliographic Data: Examples – Rémi Jimenes and Patrick Latour | SlideShare BVH


Bibliotheca Digitalis Summer school: Presentation | 1rst day | 2nd day | 3rd day | 4th day | 5th day




Projet partenarial BHLi (2016) – Equipex Biblissima (ANR-11-EQPX-0007)




Humanities at Scale has received funding from the European’s Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No 675570.




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Sandrine Breuil (1 juillet 2017). Bibliotheca Digitalis | 3rd day, July 6th – Course programme: Establishing Bibliographic Data. Bibliothèques Humanistes. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse