TEI Conference 2016 : The BVH in Tours and the “Bibliotheques françoises” project

home_tei_conference_2016A l’occasion de la Conférence internationale 2016 du Consortium TEI qui se tiendra du 26 au 30 septembre 2016, à Vienne (Autriche), Toshinori Uetani, ingénieur de recherche  CNRS au CESR, représentera l’équipe des BVH lors de la session “Editions : Early Modern”. Il y exposera les travaux de longue haleine mis en œuvre  dans le cadre du programme de recherche BVH et plus particulièrement le projet en cours des “Bibliothèques françoises” (Equipex Biblissima).

Fri 1a: Editions (1): Early Modern
Time: Friday, 30/Sep/2016: 9:00am – 10:30am
Session Chair: Pip Willcox, University of Oxford
See : https://www.conftool.net/tei2016/index.php?page=browseSessions&form_session=8&presentations=show

The BVH in Tours and the “Bibliotheques françoises” project

T. Uetani1, S. Breuil2, M. Duboc2, G. Porte2
1Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France; 2Université François-Rabelais (Tours), France

The Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes (BVH, or Virtual Humanistic Libraries) is a project run since 2002 by a research team founded by Marie-Luce Demonet in the Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance (CESR, or Center for Advanced Renaissance Studies) at the University of Tours, France.

Its goal is to develop a digital library (http://www.bvh.univ-tours.fr/) delivering two types of reliable digital representations, facsimile and text, closely linked together. Since 2007, the BVH website has included the Epistemon corpus of digital editions of Renaissance texts in French: Texts are directly transcribed from the original printed or handwritten document, and the critical apparatus is encoded with the XML-TEI standard, adapted to French Renaissance spelling. They constitute open philological editions, freely downloadable and re-usable. Digitization and editing of electronic texts follow usually two distinct workflows. Our main concern is to merge these two workflows, using a single XML schema and to ensure a close correspondence between these two datasets (image-text) incorporating rich metadata.

To keep on the long-term project of Renaissance text corpora in the current tendency of pauperisation of public research in France, we diversify projects to get necessary funding: Rabelais website (http://renom.univ-tours.fr) and the « Montaigne at work » project (http://montaigne.univ-tours.fr) provide accurate digital editions and propose particular modes of reading and navigation of French literature masterpieces.

The last “Bibliotheques Françoises” project combines a digital edition and a database. The texts of the first bio-bibliographical dictionaries of French authors, Bibliotheque of La Croix du Maine (Paris, 1584) and that of Du Verdier (Lyon, 1585), are encoded in XML-TEI and the bio-bibliographical recordings extracted from the structured text constitute a specific database. These metadata aligned with references of online databases like ISTC, USTC or VIAF form a dynamic web-space of interoperability.

Programme complet, abstracts, inscriptions et info pratiques sur le site TEI Conference 2016

> En savoir plus sur le projet Bibliothèques françoises

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Sandrine Breuil (20 septembre 2016). TEI Conference 2016 : The BVH in Tours and the “Bibliotheques françoises” project. Bibliothèques Humanistes. Consulté le 9 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/m5wr

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